Skool’s for the Birds Publishing

Santana Demelo

Our Goals

These books were written with the goal of helping everyone see that there's nothing wrong with being different. We need to accept others for who they are, and we need learn to accept ourselves for who we are. As long as we believe in ourselves, there's nothing that we cannot achieve or accomplish. The goal here is to create a series of books that address the struggles children face these days. Our superheroes have disabilities and/or distinctive characteristics for which they get bullied. Throughout their adventures, they learn to accept those things and become the heroes of their own stories, just like "Tai the Firefly," who has autism, does in the book, "Skool's for the Birds” and “Leia” in “Leia the Caterpillar”.

Our Superheroes

Our Stories

These are our stories and our heroes. You can purchase these books on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble by searching the author’s name, Santana Demelo. You can also click on the pictures below.

Skool’s for the Birds
Leia the Caterpillar
Leia the Caterpillar